5 on Friday………..

Sep 27, 2013




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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1) This sweet post my friend wrote on her mother and the walk to end Alzheimer’s. Please click over and read it, such a touching story.It brought me to tears and made me want to go hug my mama.
2) Really trying to find the time to soak in my babies. I say baby loosely as Carson is almost 5!! They grow so fast and I want to make sure I am not missing it. It can be so hard with everything us mamas have going on, plus throw in all the social media and there is hardly any time left in the day. I have to remind myself almost daily am I going to look back and remember that hour I was on the computer, or am I going to remember the happiness my babies shared that time we were at the park? 
(Or maybe Tay is pissed, I cant really tell, either way I want to remember these little things)!
3) Pixie Lilly’s new fall line. I am so excited it’s getting cool enough that Taylor can finally wear her sweet flannel dress. Such classic pieces to keep forever.
4) This peacoat…….the word on the street is pink jackets are in this year!!! Do I even need to tell y’all how happy this makes me? I really really want this one, and it just went on sale. What are your thoughts on the pink jacket trend?
We are finally in town this weekend, so I am planning on making these amazing pumpkin cookies!!

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  1. nice PL shout out and good luck on putting the computer away, I have the same issue! Bring me some cookies- yum!

  2. LOVE that coat!! I agree about the social media and computer… Our babies are growing and we need to treasure the moments

  3. I LOVE that pink coat! Do it!

  4. I LOVE that pink coat! Do it!

  5. Love the pink peacoat…but what I'd really love is her hair!!

  6. Sha says:

    Just stopping by from the Five on Friday link up! Such cute kids! Can't wait to read more 🙂


  7. Unknown says:

    Such beautiful babies you have!! Love the pictures of the brother/sister love. I hope my 2 love each other just as much one day!!

  8. Pink jackets will be in? How fun! I am so glad I read your blog, because I would have no clue what's going to be "in" or whatever, seriously. I love all the clothes you show!


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