Our weekend+ iPhone in the toilet……….

Oct 28, 2013




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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Yes you read that title correct, my iPhone fell in the damn toilet. It happened Saturday night at my neighbors right before the adorable hayride. I had only had one drink before this happened, so I can’t blame it on the alcohol. I had it in my back pocket, and went to pull up my pants, and splash the iPhone was swimming. It was kinda like that moment your kid jumps in the deep end with no life jacket and can’t swim. Your motherly instincts kick in and you go in life save mode. I don’t think I’ve ever moved so fast, ripping off toilet paper wiping her down saying all kinds of prayers and cuss words at the same time. Ahh, but she was gone 🙁 So I did what any rational person would do and I started pounding limaritas, you know to take away the pain 😉 Okay I’ve gone way too far already with the iPhone story  haha! In the end my camera is all water logged, but my phone still works. I will be getting a new one on Tuesday, so all is well in the world 😉 
Now back to our weekend.
The one picture we got from the hayride courtesy of daddies phone! It really was so much fun! Carson was all smiles at first, but then we had some “creepers” jump out along the way, and he was not really feeling that 😉 Taylor on the other hand thought they were hilarious!

On Sunday we had another little Halloween party. It was so precious, and all the little details were perfect! But of course the camera I took with me will not download this morning 😉 So this is all I’ve got 😉

Happy Monday guys! No school today for my babes, so Carson and I are going on a double date to see a movie. Cloudy chance of Meatballs 2, here we come!

O yeah and a few of you asked about Taylor’s little Frye booties. You can also find them here, and here. They are the cutest things I have ever seen, Taylor hasn’t taken hers off yet!

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  1. Amanda Leigh says:

    Same thing happened a couple weeks ago with my iphone. I got it out quickly and didnt think anything was wrong, until I went to take a picture. Then I submerged it in a bag of dry rice, and now the camera is good as new! SO the rice method REALLY does work!

  2. megan says:

    My mom did the same thing on Friday with her phone and saved it with the ol' rice trick, too! Y'alls neighborhood is so perfect for little kids to grow up in!

  3. I cannot get enough of that last picture. She is just the cutest!!!

  4. Tess says:

    Ahhhh- sorry about your phone. I've done that before (and once into the tub….whoops!) but I was able to save it with the trusty rice trick.

    The picture of Carson and his buds makes him look so grown up!!!

  5. Adorable little ones! We're sorry to hear about your phone!



  6. lizziefitz says:

    The rice bag trick worked for us too. Side note, my daughter's friend went through a haunted house and a creeper jumped out and BIT her. Huge bruise the next day , they filed a police report. Freaks!!

  7. That sucks about your phone! 🙁 I'm still in the 4S world. Hoping Lanier will take me to get a new one sometime next week. Long overdue!

    And Taylor's Frye booties are PRECIOUS! How do they run?

  8. BIT her!? Talk about scary and scarring! That's insane?!

  9. those booties are so cute and surprisingly super affordable!! Will definitely have to get my girl some.

    sorry about your phone, bummer!!

  10. allegra says:

    Dang girl!!! Sorry about your phone. Mine accidentally fell in the water when we went to HIlton Head a couple of months ago and it still to this day only functions half way.. I was so sad! I was gonna hold on to the Iphone 4 as long as possible haha. But can't lie the new ones look pretty tempting!! Love her little boots. And girl do you ever take a bad photo? I think not. Gorgeous.

  11. allegra says:

    So fun to read these comments… Rice ?!?!? Who would have thought. I'll have to keep that trick in mind for next time.

  12. Nat says:

    That sucks about your phone! I've almost done that so many times that I have a no phone in the back pocket rule!! Taylor's boots are too precious!!


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