Well yesterday was a great day! Todd and I got up and we decided to go get our pumpkin!! I have been really wanting to go to this place in Kiawah Island called Freshfeilds Village. It is this really neat place with lots of boutiques and resturants and this huge farmers market! It was so nice:) After we left there we came back home, and as we pulled into our neighborhood we saw this huge alligator in our pond. I was freakin out it was like something you see at the zoo!(except not caged up). I got out of the car and started taking pics! Todd is always saying how he would love to wrestle an alligator but I guess he was to tired yesyerday haha!
OMG that thing is huge!!
So scary! What did yall do? Is it supposed to be there? Don’t let Rocky (or baby Carson when he gets here) go near that lake!