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Caycee Hewitt


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Good morning and happy Monday, friends! 
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend because we sure did!
// On Friday, I headed back to Florence for a dentist appointment to pick up my mouth guard, because apparently, I grind my teeth pretty bad in my sleep. While I was in town I decided to stay with my parents and enjoy some time with them. We headed to an early dinner at Starfire, and afterwards my mom and I went to see Midnight Sun. We both really liked the movie, but warning, it was a major tear-jerker! And the reason we didn’t go see I Can Only Imagine is because Todd really wanted to see that one, which we have plans to go sometime this week to see it. 
// On Saturday morning, I got up early and headed home. I promised the kids we would make Easter sugar cookies, plus, we also had two parties to attend. 
I think our cookies turned out really cute and they tasted SO good. I swear by this sugar cookie recipe. And this royal icing and these squeeze writer bottles made our job decorating them so fun. Carson is actually begging me to make more today so they can decorate more after school since we took all of these to our neighborhood block party. 
Also, you can find the Easter cookie cutters we used here. 
// Speaking of our neighborhood block party, the weather was perfect and we all had such a great time. And is it just me or do my kids look so BIG!?!?!

Maxi Dress // Cardigan (30% off) // Sunglasses

// After the block party, Todd and I had another adult only birthday party to go to at Bin 526 for our friend and neighbor, Sara. We all had a blast and tasted some of the BEST red wines. I wish I would’ve taken some photos of the different wines so I could share them with you guys. Next time Todd and I go back, I’ll be sure to do that. 
// On Sunday, the weather was pretty cold and nasty so we had the laziest family day ever, and it was SO nice! We ended the evening all piled in the bed watching The Greatest Showman. Todd and Carson had not seen it yet and they both thought it was awesome. On the other hand, Taylor and I were singing every word to all of the songs…ha! If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend watching, no matter how old you or your kids are. 
// It’s still pretty cold here today in Charleston so I’m making this white chicken chili tonight for dinner! It is super easy and everyone in our house loves it! 
// Last thing I wanted to share are a few more goodies I grabbed for the kids Easter baskets. I ordered both of these off Amazon and they are both prime items if you are looking for anything last minute. Also, I got Carson this book and Taylor this one for their baskets as well. 

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  1. Anonymous says:

    You guys seem really into going to the movies – have you ever looked into getting a Movie Pass? You pay a monthly fee of $6.95 and can see one movie per day at the theater. Way cheaper than paying for individual tickets each time!


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