I hope you all had a great start to your week yesterday! I made it to the gym and all my laundry is complete! I would call that a good start 🙂
ONE //
So the “white gloss” subway tile at Lowe’s is actually cream FYI. I mean, what the hell y’all?!?! Thankfully my contractor is AWESOME and is coming to rip it all down and replace it with “ice white” which is truly a white subway tile. I kept trying to convince myself that I could live with it and that it blended fine. Yeah, who was I kidding…it was driving me bananas!! Ahh, you live and learn right 🙂
You probably think I’ve lost my marbles, but I promise you the one on the left is more cream. And next to my bright decorators white cabinets it screams cream!! Sorry about the bad lighting it was dark.
TWO //
Shopbops friends and family sale starts today and I always go just a little overboard!! This years it’s really on as I have been holding out a few higher priced items that I’ve wanted!!
Also, my dress from yesterday’s post is included in the sale!!! It’s the perfect little black dress and super flattering!
Here’s my favorites below!

Sweaters and Tops




I went to see my plastic surgeon last week about a concern I had with my left side still being swollen (much more swollen than my right side). He said something along the lines of my abs on the right side are stronger and more defined so I need to do left side leg raises?? Yeah, not sure about that one?? But hey, I am no doctor, so who knows? Anyone reading happen to be a doctor or had a mini tummy tuck? Help a sister out if you are or have had one and can give some advice!
I am the worst about making decor decisions! I change my mind at least 100 times. Some of you may have noticed when I was thinking this rug for our kitchen. Well, I decided to do this one in a small 2×3 in front of the sink instead and do the pink one in our dining room. I think it will look good with our light teal grayish walls. Don’t forget the great sale going on at Lulu and Georgia too! My pink rug is already a steal at $300.00 before the discount!!!
I decided to quit taking Lexapro about three weeks ago. Again, the side effects were outweighing the positive just like last time. No major side effects, just some personal ones really. I feel like this kinda happens a lot with anxiety and depression medication. For the first few months I am fine, and then I start to notice some not so fun side effects. So for now I am just planning on using the tools I know to help me deal with my anxiety. We will see how this goes 😉 I know many of you emailed me about this last time, so please feel free to do so again if you have any questions, or if you just want to chat about it.
One of my favorite quotes, and something I try to remind myself daily.
Hi Caycee, Firstly I can see the difference in the tile colours, and if it were me I would rip them off as well instead of trying to convince myself that they are the correct choice. That would drive me crazy….. On another note, not sure if you remember me, but I had a full tummy tuck with major abdominal reconstruction. As of yet I am still not confident enough to show it (which kinda surprises me, cause I ooze out confidence, however on this topic , not so much). I wanted to tell you that I am still slightly swollen, and we were only a few weeks apart. So it could also still be swelling, but regarding one ab side being stronger than the other, well that sounds weird unless its the side you always carry your little one on. Maybe try and get a second opinion. Love reading your posts…. Hope it all sorts itself out soon… @FITNESSNLIFESTYLE
i LOVE the navy rug you picked out! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
I can see the difference in the tiles, and it would have driven me crazy too. I would definitely want stark white, not cream. Happy you're getting it fixed!
Second, I wish I was a plastic surgeon….. hahaha. But, I suppose that does sound about right! I would tell you to Google it… but you're talking to the worlds biggest hypochondriac here, and Googling sometimes just isn't the best answer 🙂
I honestly love both of those rugs, it would be a really hard decision for me too! Hope all works our with the anxiety! For me, exercise and getting out of the house for a walk, etc. really does help.
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There are so many "whites"! Depending on your lighting (natural & artificial / warm vs cool) it can change the looks of the tile. It's best to do a side by side comparison (as you did!) Using that much white will test the different manufacturers idea of a "true white". The left has more pink undertones while the right has a bit more grey based. Thankfully your contractor is going to switch it out for the proper white. woohoo! Good luck with the reno!!
I can see the difference! Good luck with going off the meds – I really respect you for being so open about this journey.
I can also see the difference, and definitely worth the change! Hope the swelling goes down and you get to the bottom of it my friend! I'm so sorry about the anxiety x
Praying everything runs smoothly without the meds. I deal with anxiety too sometimes and I fall to my knees and pray and listen to praise music. Love ya!
Try reading this blog post when you have a chance. Worth a try. Love your blog!! And if it helps, I bet you could do a blog post about it. Seems like you are always up for new thing!!
WOW!! I'm stressing over being able to afford winter boots for my kids and you are ripping out tile because it isn't quite right. If only I had your problems. shine on!!
I promise you if my contractor wouldn't have told me it it wasn't a big deal at all, I would have lived with the cream. Would you mind emailing me, not sure what size boots your kids wear but we have some over here that need a good home.
Best, Caycee
Thank you Kris!! I am off to read it now!!
xoxo caycee
You know I love #5 girl! You're a rockstar and one strong woman and the end of the day- you know God has this!! xoxo
what a sweet reply to an inappropriate comment! =)
I totally see the difference in the tile. Have you ever taken Effexor? I struggled for years to find something that was a good fit without the weight gain side effect. ERR
There are definitely a lot of things happening around you all at the same time. Hopefully all of that did not hinder your recovery. How's your left side doing, btw? I hope the swelling has subsided, if not fully healed by now. If it's still tender and the swelling hasn't gone down one bit, it might be best to get a second opinion. Take care!
Glenn Lowe @ Knight and Sanders
Do you know which grout color they used with your Bright White Ice tiles?