It’s a New Year…….

Dec 31, 2013




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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I have a feeling this is going to be a really good year, heck I know it is!

2013 was great, but 2014 is going to be amazing!

* I plan to look at the bright side even when it seems there is no bright side. Because lets be honest there is always a bright side 😉 I plan to only focus on the good in people, because there is good in everyone! I know this will sometimes be a struggle, but in the end I know it will result in a happier me!

* I plan to learn how to use my camera this year. I plan to upgrade my lens and learn some new tricks 🙂  This giving y’all a better look into the things I love. My family, friends, and fashion! I am really excited about this one!!

* I plan to schedule better. As much as I try to fight the planner in me, I just function better on a schedule. My mind is more at peace and everyone around me gets a calmer, more together, and happier me. 

* I plan to get back in the gym four days a week. Monday through Thursday I will be working out. With all the crazy of the holidays and me just being lazy I haven’t made it in the gym more than two days in the last four months. That is not a good thing for me, I just feel better all around when I workout.
* I plan to take more time  to just be with my children, husband, and God. I know we as mothers, wives, and women always say this, and it’s probably the hardest of them all. But you know what, in the end I am pretty sure it’s the most important. No actually, I know it’s the most important.
So these are my things, my 5 things! I plan to take these 5 things and give them my all. Because if you know me, I am an all or nothing kinda girl. And I’ve decided that life is way too short to be a nothing kinda of girl. So I will give it my ALL and rock this year out of the park!! 
Who’s with me? Who’s going to make 2014 the best year yet?

** Thought I would let you know before they are gone, that the Shopbop has the Caroline leopard flat in pewter and black. I just received mine last night and I am in love!! I seriously think for $123.00 I may have to scoop this color us as well!!

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  1. Me too girl! All the above!!! Happy NYE!

  2. Jodi says:

    These sound good to me. Happy 2014!


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