I’m not sure about you guys, but there is truly nothing more exciting than the feeling of a clean and updated space in our home. As many of you know, we have now been in our house for almost five years and during that time, the media room along with our kitchen is definitely our most used space.
That being said, the media room is often occupied by our three wonderful, yet very messy kids! So, five years in, and this space was begging for a facelift and most importantly a new rug!! And this time, I decided to be a little smarter and make sure that the rug was machine washable because as much as I tried to spot clean and even machine clean our last rug, spots and puppy pee smells were still left behind.
All that to say, since this is the space that our three kids pretty much live in when they’re home, I wanted to give it a refresh without breaking the bank so I was beyond thrilled when I saw that Walmart.com just released a new and very stylish collection of washable rugs. I truly ended up having such a hard time choosing a rug for this space because they had SO many good ones. And just so you know, almost every washable rug is under $250 and that even goes for the largest sizes in each rug!

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