OK ladies I need your help one more time! This may be a little more fun for some, if you enjoy looking at men with rocking bodies! Whoo Hoo count me in!! I joke, kinda of
Seriously my dear friend Zach Conrad you know the man that helped me get in shape, feel much better, and gain my confidence back. Yeah that guy, well, he has worked really hard (and it shows) to have killer abs! And guess what?? he made it into the top 6 for best abs of Charleston!!! So here is where all you lovely ladies come in, I need you to VOTE!!!
So here is the info
text M004 to 27126
(you can vote as many time as you would like)!!
O yeah and a picture of those delicious abs!
Is that really Zack? Holy Crap too bad he is married and girl how to even get a workout done with an instructor that hot?? See you soon! P.S. I like the lamps with the balls the best!
WOW i vote for him