My love for Pixie Lily

Apr 19, 2010




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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Just when I thought I couldn’t love anything more. it happened……….. I fell and I fell hard. Let me just give you a little light on the subject. I have a love a deep love for babies, and baby clothing. I know weird to some, but I’m very passionate about it 🙂 So when little monkey was wiggling in my belly for 9 months I thought, and thought about what it would be like when he got here. For some strange reason every time I visioned my little monkey he was dressed is none other than Pixie Lily every time. I just knew it was a sign to go and find every piece of pixie lily I could, so that is just what I did. My husband on the other hand thought I was a little crazy, and swore if I brought home another piece of Pixie Lily, he was going to beat me ha! My good friend Jodi, who owns Sprout a baby boutique in Charleston probably though the same, but never said a word just helped every time I was on the search for more Pixie Lily. Thanks Jodi for understanding my Love for this line, and helping me dress Carson so lovely! So as you can tell I was obsessed, I mean in Love. So now that you know my story, can you imagine how excited, thrilled, over the moon I was when Leda Jackson herself contacted me for mentioning her line Pixie Lily on my blog. Yes I know I got a little teary eyed in a good way, when my husband called me upstairs and said I think the owner of that baby line you are obsessed, I mean in love with emailed you! I’m pretty sure I tripped up the stairs running so fast! I could not believe my eyes Leda Jackson of Pixie Lily read my blog and wanted to send my little monkey a surprise. First thing that came to mind, O no have everything that she makes in his size. I was wrong, Pixie Lily never disappoints! The next day in this beautiful box was a 2 piece cotton bloomer and top! I swear if I could still do cartwheels, I would have done them, right in the middle of my living room! Thank you so much Leda, you made my day!

PS I told my husband that I was pretty sure this was another one of those signs, letting me know all of our babies have to be dressed in Pixie lily from the day they are born too 🙂

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  1. KatiePerk says:

    I completely agree. It is a gorgeous line!! What fun!!


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