// Lately, my mind has been consumed with moving. Todd and I have both prayed for guidance to make sure we make the right choice for our family, and right now, we feel so torn! Even though we’ll still be in the Charleston area, it’s still a big decision for us to make. We have looked at homes and neighborhoods in the two areas we’re interested in, and love so many things about both areas. To help narrow things down, we’ve decided to tour all the schools next week and let this be our deciding factor. I feel (or at least I hope) we ‘will know’ which school feels right for Taylor and Carson, and then from there, we can make our decision. I feel in my heart that either choice will be a good thing, but if there’s any chance one may be a little better than the other, that’s the direction we obviously want to take. Goodness, that was a mouthful! I hope it made sense.
And this is how I really feel about packing and moving all of our stuff!! Oh y’all, eight years of stuff to pack up and move…… anyone got a xantax I can borrow 😉
// One can never have enough pajamas, candles, or coffee mugs! That is what I tell myself at least 🙂 But really, grab these pajamas stat, you will LOVE them. They are super soft, super cute, and 40% off!
Pajamas // Candle // Coffee Mug
// Hold the PHONE!!!!! Kate Spade just started their surprise sale and OMG it really is the best one I have ever seen!!!
Just ordered this adorable bow sweatshirt for $75.00!!!!
This dress is now only $95 and the regular price was $378.00!!
How cute are these earrings for stocking stuffers!! And they are now only $19.00!!!!
Leopard Flared Dress yes, yes, and yes please!! And talk about a sexy little black dress, this one is killer, and is now $99 originally $428!!!!
And just stop with this adorable bow sweater one piece!
More of my favorites from the sale are below!!

// We are doing a “friendsgiving” this year instead of traveling home. We travel for Christmas, and this year we will be traveling for New Years as well, so Thanksgiving with friends in our neighborhood sounds like a great idea! I will be making the green bean casserole, cornbread dressing, and macaroni and cheese. I am thinking about trying this recipe for the mac and cheese, it looks so good, super easy, and one that the kids will eat as well!
// Nordstrom started their Black Friday Sale early and there are so many great things marked way down! Loving these skinny white white cords and this embroidered shift dress! So many fun things to choose from, and so many perfect holiday outfits!
(Click the link to shop the product)
As a mom to 5, we have always pretty much decided on what area to live in by how good the schools are ! It is so important ! And I know the feeling of being overwhelmed with it all. We just packed up and moved from Charlotte to Florida…talk about a big change ! And that bow sweatshirt is just to die for ! And I have ordered a few mugs from fox and clover. Love them all. Have a great day girl!
We bought our house based on schools! I would much rather live in my adorable home town but the schools suck there so we moved about 15 minutes northwest and we're so happy we did. We always say once the kids are out of school we'll move to our dream house in the town with bad schools 🙂
I hear you Kimm! This is one of the main reasons we are moving. But in Charleston there are SO many elementary schools, and the two areas we are looking in they are all great! One of the main reasons we loved Daniel Island so much was because of the school and the idea of them being arms reach away……..but all of a sudden we have heard the school is known for bullying!?!?! I know all that could just be hearsay, but goodness I couldn't handle that! Ugh so many things to think about!
Girl preach!!! I know, Todd just want to be out in the country on water, but that's just not happening while our little ones are in school! It such a hard decision here because there are so many highly rated wonderful schools, especially in the two areas we are looking, so know it's jut making the choice for which is better for Carson and Taylor! When our babies are all grown up we will have to visit each in our dream houses 😉
Hey lady! Our oldest has gone through 1st grade and is now in 2nd at Daniel Island School…I can't say enough great things about it. She went to kindergarten at Ashley Hall, downtown, and so our expectations were really high. And honestly, DI school is about as close to a private school as a public school can get. The principal is wonderful, and the bullying issues you may have heard rumors of were supposedly happening in the middle school, and took place while the previous principal was there. (I read some online feedback about that issue before we moved, and so I had the same concerns and questions.) I love how close everything on the island is…grocery shopping, parks, fun concerts and events, cute stores, great restaurants, and most importantly the school. It's so nice to know that if one of my girls was sick or needed me, I could literally be there in 3 minutes. Anyway, best of luck with your decision! Everything always works out in the end the way it's supposed to, and you just have to do what's best for your family 🙂 I'm happy to chat about the different neighborhoods on the island, or the school if you need any info…Have a great Thanksgiving!
Hey Brianna!! This makes me so so happy to hear, like I can't thank you enough for telling me this!!! I feel the same way and I have been in love with the island for years!! We are hoping to come tour the school next week, so I'll be sure to keep in touch with what we decide! And seriously thank you again for reaching out and telling me all of this!