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Jun 11, 2014




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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*Do yourself a favor and go see the movie Neighbors, it is freaking hilarious!! Todd and I went on a date night last night and we laughed until we cried! I kept things simple and casual in my new Embroidered tunic!! It’s technically supposed to be a beach cover-up, and trust me, I will use it for that too, but it’s just too pretty not to wear out. I threw in both pictures so you could see it tied and untied 🙂 ps  you can still save 20% off of your order with code CAYCEE20 🙂
*Speaking of new things, I am loving my new shoes!!!  They are so comfy and I love the gold detail around the ankle. If you are in-between sizes, size up, they run a little small. Goodnight Macaroon is quickly becoming my new favorite online store.
* Taylor is officially part monkey! She hasn’t napped in 3 days (which sucks for me) but she passes out at night because she is so tired! I think this weekend we are going to transfer her to a big girl bed. It just don’t seem right y’all!! Carson’s old crib converts to a full size bed, so I think we are going to use that! But I really love this bed, like a lot!!! And I think I have decided on this bedding!!
* I am  pretty sure that I still haven’t recovered from girls weekend yet! I had to walk out of barre class yesterday because my head was spinning!! It was so worth the after pain though, gosh I wish I had a video of some of the stuff!!! Love all these girls so much!
* We have an upcoming daytime wedding this summer and I can’t decide between these two dresses? If you feel like it, would you mind telling me which you like best? I wish I could just grab them both 🙂 

Last, Kate Spade just announced their surprise sale!!! They have marked some stuff down super duper cheap!!! This bag is probably my favorite!!

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  1. Love the embroidered tunic too cute, you have quite the cover-up collection now! I vote for dress one!! excited to see you today I feel like its been a month!

  2. Jillian says:

    cute tunic!! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  3. Keely says:

    Love that tunic too! I could live in shirts like that and jean shorts all summer. I vote dress one! Off to get check that tunic out, have a great day!

  4. Ally Harding says:

    Precious tunic! My vote is for dress one! Life as I know it

  5. Unknown says:

    Love the fit and flare for the wedding!

  6. Melissa W. says:

    You are so darn cute! Love your tunic and I love the first dress for the wedding!

  7. KellyM says:

    Love the tunic! I love both dresses, but also … check out this one from F21 – it's similar to the pink Lilly. I just bought it and I love!

  8. You would ROCK that first dress!!! It's definitely not a dress anyone could wear. Good luck with the bed transition! And love the coverup as a shirt (especially untied).

  9. Unknown says:

    Caycee, where did Carson's bedding come from? Thanks!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Loving the tunic, it definitely should be worn for more than a cover up! Good luck with the bed transition, the bedding you have picked is gorgeous!

  11. Your girls weekend looked so fun + loving that tunic. I clicked on Goodnight Macaroon and now can't stop looking :)! Finally back to blogging post wedding/honeymoon and excited to catch up on all of the posts I have missed– oh and I vote for dress one, hun!!! Xxxx.

  12. Unknown says:

    I love the Ella Moss Paz print! Your girls weekend looked like so much fun!

  13. Sarah says:

    ella moss FOR SURE!!! i love that print!!!! it is probably a lot harder to find something similar 🙂

  14. Sarah says:

    not ideally the same, but this one kind of resembles the second?! i was shopping this website today, seen it and immediately remembered your dress from this post!

  15. That embroidered tunic is darling! Love!


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