This and That

Feb 6, 2018




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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// Are you guys watching ‘This Is Us’???? If you’re not, then you need to. I’m pretty sure it’s the best show to come out since Dawson’s Creek! And if you weren’t a fan of Dawson’s Creek back in the day then we can’t be friends anymore…haha! 
But seriously, Todd and I watched last night’s episode of This Is Us and I don’t think my eyes were ever dry the entire episode. I’m sure if you aren’t watching yet, then this really makes you want to right!?!? But these tears are the kind of tears you need to cry, the kind that make you realize what’s truly important in life. 
But mark my word, you will fall in love with every single one of these characters. I think that’s just another reason I love this show so much, there are no “bad guys”, just real people with real flaws like each of us. 
// I meant to share these recipes in yesterday’s post, but completely forgot. That being said, I’m going to add a new recipe tab at the top of my blog to make it easier for you guys to find all of the Whole30 recipes this week. A few of you have mentioned doing this and I think it will make it easier to have them all in one place. 


// This workout or atheleisure outfit if you will, is still one of my all times favorites and everything that I’m wearing has all been restocked! This twisty turn tee is so comfortable. It runs tts and now comes in two other colors besides the grey. 
// You simply cannot have a bad day when this child is around. She is always smiling and happy. She has the biggest imagination and can sit for hours playing and entertaining herself. She has started to ask if she can have friends over a lot more than she used to, but she’s also perfectly content hanging with Carson and his buddies when they are over. 

Thankfully, Carson is pretty cool about it and he doesn’t mind at all when she hangs out with them. But I know this will probably change soon enough, so I’m trying to appreciate it the best I can now. 
I love this picture with her right in the middle…all zoned into the game with the boys. 
// I caught the most gorgeous sunset in our neighborhood on Friday evening.  

// On Saturday night, I headed out for a fun (long overdue) girls night with this crew! We ate dinner at Stars, and even though I couldn’t order exactly what I wanted, they made me a Whole 30 compliant burger wrapped in lettuce and it was really good! And also, just fyi, two of my other girlfriends are vegan and they made a special vegan dish for them as well. So, if anyone has any diet restrictions and you live in Charleston (or happen to be visiting), make sure you eat at Stars Rooftop and Grill Room
What I wore

// And last, I’ll leave you with exactly how I’m feeling about Whole 30 officially being over…ha! And it just so happens that our girls supper club is tonight…  

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  1. This Is Us is amazing and t speaks to almost every one in the world, in someway!!!


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