Our Weekend! Well some of it atleast. It is 4:20 in the morning and I am blogging! Not to mention that I have the most wonderful husband in the world so he gets up with Carson for every feeding on Friday and Saturday night. So you are probably wondering what in the world Iam doing up. To make a long story short I have been having some really bad pain in my upper stomach and it wakes me up. Thank goodness for pain killers the only problem is they make me feel like I have had 10 cups of coffee!!! So anyways we have at 8:30 this morning Carsons dedication at church:) I will post pics tomm! Back to the weekend it was so relaxing we did nothing but hang out with little man! Saturday we went out to lunch at the mustard seed yummy and visited with our good friends Rhett and Rachel they just got engaged. We are so happy for them and can not wait until their wedding:) My parents are already lined up to babysit:) Carson really enjoyed visting with them! After that we came home and actually watched a movie little man slept the whole way through.(it was so nice) After that Carson had he bath which he loves and then off to sleepy land where he spends most of his time theses days! We just cant get enough of the little guy! #We just love him so much:)
Love the outfit on him! =) Call me when you get a chance!!