ONE //
Whew, what a whirlwind of a week it’s been! I am so happy that it’s Friday and I can’t wait to have a low key night with Todd and the kids! I think we are going to grill homemade pizzas and I’m dying to try this grilled chicken teriyaki pizza!
I mean, how good does this look!?!?
TWO //
I was so excited to get the chance to shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Pre-Sale in person this year! There was SO much great stuff, and I loved being able to try a lot of it on for quality along with size and fit. Hopefully this will help a lot of you that are shopping online!
I will say that online they do have a lot more stuff, while in the stores…once it’s gone, it’s gone. Also, the store manager told me that they only get a few of each size and style with a lot of things and they don’t restock so you may want to call before you head to your nearest store.
I’ll be doing a really big categorized try-on recap sometime this weekend, but for now I wanted to share a few of my favorites that already are starting to sell out.
Coat runs large, for reference I am wearing the xs. Jeans runs tts and reference I am wearing size 26.

Leggings run tts and I am wearing size small.
Sweater runs big, I am wearing xs. Jeans runs tts and I am wearing size 26.
The North Face Wind Anorak // Stripe Tee // Jeans // Flats // Earrings
Top runs big and I am wearing the xs, and jeans run small and I am wearing size 27.
Monday is PRIME DAY y’all, and I swear, I may be more excited about this than I am the Nordstrom Sale…ha! It’s not just going to be good, it’s going to be AMAZING this year! I got the chance to preview almost all of the deals, and all I’ve got to say is, y’all better get ready! I’ve been book marking and saving all the best deals for fashion, home, kids, electronics, and even pantry. So make sure you stop by first thing Monday morning for all the details and a big giveaway. And you can check out my page here for new deals that are leaking daily up until the sale!!
Carson had baseball camp all week and it was so nice to have some one on one time with Taylor. We did a lot of coloring, dancing, and crafting! It was so fun to really focus on and soak up Taylor’s fun and spunky personality. A lot of you asked me about this little ‘build a dog’ magnet set Taylor was playing with and you can find it here. It’s really cute and Taylor ended up playing with it for over an hour, so I would highly recommend it for an indoor summer activity!
Last, I think this article and then this follow-up article are something that EVERY couple needs to read. About eight months ago, something I can’t really explain started to happen between Todd and I. It was like the last three years in therapy, what we read in books together, and what we started to really practice with each other and in everyday life finally clicked. And when this happened, it was like the weight of the world went away and I felt myself falling harder than ever in love with the man I married almost eleven years ago.
I know this probably sounds completely crazy to a lot of you…I even thought that myself for a little while. So much so, that a little over a month ago I actually googled “is it really possible to fall back in love with your husband again after years of marriage”. The first thing that popped up in Google was this article. After reading all eight of these things, the happiest tears I’ve ever felt started to flow as I realized that this is exactly what Todd and I had done.
In our own way, Todd and I had not only gone through and/or practiced all of the things she wrote about in the article, but we also came out on the other side just like she and her husband had. My first thought was, “Holy shit, I am not crazy!” And then I sent the article to Todd, and after reading it, he immediately called me and told me that he felt the same exact way. So, my second thought was, “Whew, at least if I am crazy, I’m not the only one.” I am totally kidding, my second thought was I have to share this article and our story with every married couple I know.
One day, I would love to share our complete story. I feel certain that one day I will, but for now, I hope you all read the two articles above because I wholeheartedly know that there is truth in the advice she gives.
Hi Caycee- I was linked back to your site from my google analytics. It seems you linked my blogs to your site and told your readers to check them out. I want to thank you for that! In addition, since it seems you created this connection a while ago, I wanted to let you know that I wrote a book about the subject that you and your readers may like. It is called, like the original blog, "How I stopped hating my husband." You can find it on Amazon as ebook or paperback. If you liked the blogs, you will love the book. And thanks again for sharing my experience with your followers! Cindy Carbone