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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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Let the Thanksgiving holiday begin….with lots of yummy food and early Black Friday sales! I’ll be sharing the best of the best later today with a fun giveaway, so make sure you check back!!! The kids and I woke up to a big breakfast of bacon, sausage, and chocolate chip cookies…ha! During the holidays, Todd and I always say yummy treats for breakfast are okay 🙂 Not to mention, I just discovered this Chocolate chip cookie dough that is amazing! It has no eggs, no dairy, no preservatives, no processing, no fillers, and no GMO’s! I found it at Whole Foods for those of you who have one near you.  

But today, I wanted to share my new buffalo plaid scarf cape that I am just a little obsessed with! You can wear it so many different ways, but my favorite way is as a cape like I’m wearing it below. 

And just so you can see, here are two other ways you can wear it as well. 

Outfit Details
Jeans (on sale) // Rag and Booties (on sale) also on sale here and here

Here are a few more of my other favorites cape scarfs! 
Photos by Kim Graham 

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