Goals for 2013……..

Jan 2, 2013




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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I am sure this is most peoples post title today right?
I have never really given myself a list of goals to meet come the new year. I dot know why, because I have made goals, and actually followed through and met a few of them. 
Well this year I am making a list.
1) Get back down to my pre pregnant size. Dang for some reason it’s kicking my butt this time, but I know I can do it! I am giving myself until May (Taylors birthday).
2) Be more in the moment. I am pretty much suck at  this. I am always thinking of the next year the next week or the next day. But I have a feeling these are the days/moments that will mean the most later.
3) Stop all my complaining!! Ohhh Lordy I am guilty of this way too much. 
4) Stop comparing myself to everyone else. Be thankful for all that I have, because at the end of the day I am very blessed.
5) Spend more time on the floor playing with the kids. Lets be honest I spend way too much time sitting in front of my computer.  
And that my friends is my little list of goal, I think I got this! What about you guys, what are your goals this year?
In other exciting news I will be doing my first ever giveaway tomorrow!!!! It’s going to be really goo too guys…..want a hint?

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  1. Those are great goals/resolutions! You need to give yourself a break on the weight thing, though. It takes longer to get it off than it did to put it on, and it took about 10 months to put it on!!! You're a beauty!

  2. Nat says:

    Love these- you looke great by the way so I wouldn't stress over #1 but I totally hear you on 2 and 4- I'm bad at both of those


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