Happy Birthday Madison

Mar 3, 2011




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

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This past weekend we had the pleasure of watching one special little girl turn a year old! Her mom Sarah did an amazing job with the Party, and a great time was had by all. Especially Carson in the jump castle 😉 Everything was just perfect, besides the fact I completely forgot to make Madisons Marshmallow pops! Holy Crap I totally did, and have not forgiven myself yet! She will be receiving something a little extra as an “I am so sorry, I swear I was born a blonde gift” Happy Birthday sweet girl!!

Note: You girls crack me up, I wish I could take credit for those first two awesome pictures, but sadly I can’t a professional did take them 🙂 Here is her website!

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  1. Casey says:

    That picture of her little bloomers is awesome, love the legs! what a beautiful little girl!

  2. Girl, your photos look a professional did them!! Loves! and loved our lunch date! xoxo

  3. Lindsay says:

    You are an amazing photographer. Her legs are so cute. 🙂

  4. Unknown says:

    so so cute! that pic of the tutu and her lil tushie brings back memories!

    i have that same exact pic of my daughter from when she was one… now almost 3!


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