Happy Fathers Day to the two men I love

Jun 21, 2010




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Caycee Hewitt


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Happy fathers Day Daddy………
Happy Fathers Day to the first man I really ever Loved. Daddy let me just start this off by saying you rock! You rock as a daddy and as Papa (which I knew you would). You have taught me so much in life # 1 I am always right ha! No really daddy I love you so much it hurts, when I think back on my childhood it makes me smile. I can remember so many memories with you making mud pies, throwing the softball, taking me out for mine and your day. All these things are so special to me, and things I will always hold close in my heart. Daddy I have so enjoyed being your little girl, and my plan is to never stop!!! I love you so much daddy!

Happy Fathers Day Todd……………………

Happy Fathers Day Todd………….

Todd you are only what I could have hoped and dreamed would one day become a reality in my life. You love like no other opened armed and full of passion and heart. When I watch you with Carson I cant help, but smile and tear up at the same time. You are simply amazing with that baby boy. I am pretty sure he thinks you makes the sun rise and the sun fall and that’s ok by me, because sometimes I think that to 🙂 Thank you so much for all you do and becoming the husband /father I had always dreamed of. I love you so much!!

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  1. Renae says:

    CUTE T-Shirts!!!

  2. Such a sweet post! And, could you look any more like your mother? 🙂

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