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Caycee Hewitt


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Good Monday morning! I am writing this with only one eye open this morning, as I decided it was a bright idea to stay up and watch 5 episodes of Parenthood! Then of course Carson woke up 4 times and Taylor once throughout the middle of the night 😉
So please forgive me, as I only give you brief descriptions, and mainly pictures of our weekend 😉 
On Thursday my mama came in for a quick visit! Todd is always so sweet and let us have some mama daughter time. We spent Thursday evening dining out at an amazing little Italian restaurant called Al Di La. We stuffed our face with amazing food, sipped on some amazing cocktails, and had a great time just talking. I miss you already mama. 
 Saturday we headed out with our favorite couple to the Irvin House Vineyards for a little vodka and wine tasting! Happy Birthday to such an amazing friend, mama, and all around woman. I love you Nat! A great time was def. had!

Sunday was just beautiful! We made it to church, visited with old friends, played outside with the neighbors, and had dinner on the grill.

What a special treat it was to have our friends that moved away and who we haven’t seen in almost 2 years over for lunch! It was so fun catching up.

Carson was in heaven seeing his old buddy.
The rest of the afternoon was spent outside with the neighbors, and in the backyard with the family!

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  1. What a fun weekend! Love Taylor's bubble!

  2. Fun weekend! I don't blame you about watching Parenthood – I love that show!!!! I hope Joel & Julia get back together. And why is it that when we decide to stay up late the kiddos ALWAYS wake up?! 😉 Hope you get to rest up today! Xx

  3. Make that baby stop growing! She's a little girl now. It's so sad. It seems like yesterday that I was "baby whispering" her.

  4. Julia Ryan says:

    Tay is killing me in her little bubble! Can I just squeeze Wells into one this summer? Love y'all have a bounce house too. Fun Mom 🙂

  5. Alicia xoxxo says:

    Looks like a perfect weekend! And how cute are your kids? :)Adorable!

  6. Unknown says:

    Taylor has grown so much! Love her outfit 🙂

  7. Looks like a perfect weekend!

  8. megan says:

    Taylor is so cute in that little outfit! Glad y'all had a fun weekend! Al Di La is one of my faves!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Looks like you all had a great weekend! And I am loving Taylor's bubble!

  10. Jodi says:

    What a fun weekend! The bouncy house looks like fun!

  11. Looks like a really great weekend!! Wonderful pictures too 🙂


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