I’ am back!!!!

Jul 9, 2012




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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I am returning from seriously the best family vacation ever!
We had a blast!
I totally ate too much food, got too much sun, and sat om my rump more than I have in a long time! It was perfect!
I cant say enough about how fun it was being with my entire family for 7 days! 
Carson adores his cousins and had so much fun with them, as did we! My parents were awesome and let us all have some much needed child free nights out! They also kept Tata while we ventured to the water park for the day!
Man it was GREAT and I am so sad it’s over! 
Here are some pictures to show you proof!

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  1. The Morrows says:

    They are adorable in matching swim trunks!
    Sounds like a blast. I love family vacations. Your kids are making memories with their cousins they will forever cherish.

  2. Lindsey says:

    Would love a trip like that! ha! It is so nice to have memories like these.


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