Good morning, and happy Monday! For many of you (or at least your kids), today is the start of spring break!! Taylor’s school doesn’t actually take a spring break, so for most of the week it’s just going to be me and my little man. I’m going to let her play hooky with Carson and I on Thursday, and then she’s off for Good Friday, so at least she will get to have a little fun this week.
Today, I wanted to share some pictures that I snapped of the kids at the park yesterday afternoon. A few years back I invested in a nice DSLR Canon camera and a pretty nice lens for it as well, but every time I would go to use it, I found myself getting really frustrated with the settings and just sticking it in auto.
Since the weather and the light were perfect yesterday (and Easter is right around the corner), I knew I had some stylish models with some new spring clothes that I could bribe into being my practice subjects. Getting Taylor in a pretty dress is no work at all, but getting my little man out of his standard activewear can be a little challenging. The funny thing is, as soon as he saw himself dressed up in the mirror he looked at me and said, “I kinda like the way this looks on me, maybe I’ll start wearing these kind of clothes more often.” I doubt that will happen, but a mom can dream right 🙂
But no matter what style the kids choose to wear, I know I can always depend on Nordstrom to have it all. They are always my go-to for everyday casual wear and special occasions. And don’t forget, they always offer free shipping and returns. And for all my last minute shoppers, it’s not too late to order your Easter attire for your kiddos or yourself!
After a few text messages with my good friend (and the best photographer I know), I gave my camera a good workout in manual mode. These pictures are far from perfect, and I have a lot of work ahead of me to get it just right, but I think most of them turned out pretty good. I’m also super happy to have some updated pictures of these two together.
Carson’s Outfit
Button-down Shirt // White Twill Shorts // Sperry Boat Shoe (40% off)
Taylor’s Outfit
Texture Pleated Dress (only $38) // Millie Sandal
Nordstrom has so many cute clothes for kids this spring. For a few of my favorites you can shop below!

And I’m planning on pulling out my camera a lot more this summer, so I’ll be sure to share and fill you all in with any tips I learn along the way!
Thank you Nordstrom for partnering on this post.
Gorgeous photos 🙂 I've been shooting in manual and it makes a world of difference !!!
You such such adorable little subjects to practice on!
Xo, Elizabeth