The Breakfast area reveal….

Jun 2, 2011




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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Well this project took a little longer than expected. I really had a hard time finding art or a mirror that I loved for this space. That is when I decided to shop the house! I am usually not very lucky when it comes to this, but this time I think I was 😉  Not that huge of a change, just some modern new fabric on the chairs and a fun little mirror! So what do you guys think??

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  1. Marian says:

    Looks great!! Love it

  2. Julia Ryan says:

    love love love the fabric on the chairs! Good job shopping your house, it's such a fun way to change things up for free!

  3. megan says:

    Love the fabric!!

  4. Looks great! So funny because that's the fabric they just picked on Young House Love!

  5. Tess says:

    It looks awesome! I love the chalk board….that's a project I'm hoping to do in my own kitchen. But your whole project turned out great!

  6. Unknown says:

    Looks great, Caycee! Is that the mirror from above your bed?

  7. Lindsey says:

    I love it! Great colors in the fabric!

  8. Nicole-Lynn says:

    The fabric on the chairs is great! Love it!

    Also, wondering how you got that shot of the pantry — standing on the washing machine? 🙂 haha


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