// First, thank you all so much for your emails and support yesterday! I know the people suffering in SC also thank you as well! If you missed my update yesterday, it looks as if the best thing we can do at this point is to donate or send gift cards. These people have a long road ahead of them, so if you are able, please consider a donation. Now, with that being said, I still have a box full of clothes if you or anyone you know needs them!! Please email me, and I will find a way to get them to you!
// This picture says it all as far as the last three days!! Going crazy stuck inside the house!!
And this is how we have been dealing with the rain and going stir crazy………
// Which leads me to my next outfit. I am pretty sure it’s the perfect ‘hide all the doughnuts you ate while still looking cute and comfy’ outfit 😉 That’s what I am telling myself anyway 😉
And these adorable rain boots that are under $70, and also available in five colors!
// I discovered an adorable online boutique called Style Nut Boutique! Talk about the cutest clothes and the best prices!!!! The first thing I grabbed this vest! They only have a few of each item, so if you like it, you better grab it! A few of my favorites are below! Most of their items are under $50!!

// I made the most amazing white chocolate candy corn cookies!!
// I’ve been burning this candle non-stop! And I’m dying to try this set!
This little Lace Tee is now 40% off!!
Along with these pretties below.

// And as always, some selfie shots to share 😉 Sorry about the lighting, we haven’t had very much sun around here!
Beanie ($14) // Scarf ($18) // Tee // Jeans (on sale)
Shirt ($38) // Jeans // Booties // Necklace
You are the CUTEST! xx
Annie Reeves
Is that YOUR real short bob? If so it looks amazing! I've gotta be honest here not digging the extensions. They definitely look fake, sorry, I've been thinking it since you got them. Love your short hair, absolutely beautiful!
Your hair is the perfect length for you!
Is that your new cut??? It looks awesome on you!!!! Love it!!!