Thoughts on Thursday

Nov 17, 2016




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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//  Taylor and I are heading to Bee City Zoo this morning with her class for their field trip today. I’ve never been to Bee City Zoo, but it looks pretty awesome from their website! I know Taylor will love seeing all the animals, and we are both looking forward to feeding the cute monkeys 🙂 
// Speaking of animals, Rocky our twelve year old Jack Russell has been attached at the hip lately, and he has taken over the middle spot in our bed. I’m certainly not complaining because I am enjoying the extra love and snuggle time with my first fur baby. We have been successfully managing his diabetes with insulin and his diet, but earlier this week I noticed his eyes turning a foggy blue/gray color. My fear is that he has cataracts in both eyes. We are planning to take him back to his vet this week to get a proper diagnosis, and I am praying that they can help. 
// We are so excited about our trip to Disney World next week, and Todd and I are both DYING to tell the kids. I ordered them these Magical Dream Packs last week and they are arriving today! Todd and I are trying to think of a really fun way to tell them we are going. We are thinking of putting together a little scavenger hunt and have them find these bags at the end with a big sign saying, “We are going to Disney!” If you guys have any other creative ideas I would love to hear them! Oh yeah, and thanks to all of you who recommended we buy tickets to Mickey’s Christmas Party. We have our tickets, and we are so excited to see this show and have the extra hours at Magic Kingdom 🙂 
// The weather was beautiful yesterday so we were finally able to take our family Christmas pictures. Taking pictures with two young kids is always a shit show, but also comical at the same time. Not to mention, Taylor and Carson were both extra hyper…ha! I can’t wait to see the pictures though, and I’ll be sharing them on the blog tomorrow so be sure to pop in if you want to see them. 
A big glass of wine was much needed/appreciated afterwards! 

// It’s been cold everyday this week in Charleston and I am loving it! I’m finally able to wear some of my favorite fall attire. 

Knit Cardigan Hoodie (same brand and similar here) // Tee // Jeans // Pumps

Sweater (runs really big, I am wearing the xxs) // Jeans // Necklace
Booties similar here and here  // 

Tee // Vest // Jeans also here // Pumps

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  1. Kelly says:

    Y'all will have so much fun in Disney!!! I'm excited about the cool, mild weather this time of year, too — we're going to Charleston next Tuesday just for a day trip while we're in Savannah for the holiday. We've never been at this time of year before and are kind of dying to see SOMETHING Charleston-Christmassy. Do you know of anywhere that's already decorated, or can think of anything to do or see at this time of year in the city? We've got our old visiting standbys but usually we visit in the spring or summer. Can't wait to see it in a new light! 🙂

  2. to surprise our kids with the disney trip, the morning of the trip, we presented them with a STACK of wrapped gifts. The "gifts" were just different disney figurines, books, movies, stickers etc that were disney characters. Some things were new, some were just things from around the house that we already had. They loved opening them and eventually asked questions about it all. maybe your disney dream pack could be the LAST gift? have SO much fun!


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