You will find me drinking wine with some fabulous ladies and Carson
bullying playing with some adorable babies! It really is one of those things every week I look so forward to. I love sitting around chatting with the girls, and watching our little brood interact together. We girls have so much in common and it’s nice to know were not alone is this mommy boat, and the crazy thoughts that run through our heads!

Carson and cute little Sterling, Carson and I adore this baby!
Me and the beautiful Natalie! Not only is this girl Beautiful, sweet, and makes gorgeous offspring, she has killer style! Her clothes and shoes are to die for, and don’t even get me started on her purse collection! If you haven’t already go pay her a cute blog a visit!
PS. I turned 26 yesterday, and it was one of the best birthdays I have ever had! Nothing big or special happened, just some great time with great friends, and a nice dinner date with the hubs! It was a perfect day, and Todd always makes me feel so special! I woke up to a delicious chocolate cake and one of the sweetest cards I have ever received!
Thank you for such sweet words Caycee!! I feel the same way about you! So thankful I met you and sweet Carson. I love, love, love our playdates, they are highlight of my week! See you tomorrow:)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What a fantastic week to be born!
I warned your friend Natalie that I might drive down from Pawleys for one of y'alls wine playdates, they sound awesome 🙂
Happy Birthday friend!! Your playdates sound wonderful, I love all of their matching outfits:)
Beautiful photos! I love how your about me says a little ocd and high maintance.. Thats too me! haha New follower!
Aw lookie here, two of my new Charleston blogworld friends together!! I'd love to join in some time.
And Happy belated birthday!
amen to 'the crazy thoughts that go through our heads' if I didn't know that other woman made it through I probably wouldn't believe it's possible 🙂 this is coming from the mouth of a still exhausted new mother 🙂 Happy birthday!!
James and I are SOOOOOO jealous!!! We want to come play too:) Happy belated birthday!!