HELP which one…. please tell me!!!

Dec 6, 2010




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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Ok guys one more time, I really need your opinion! I want to blow up a Canvas a 20×20 and put it over our bed, and I can’t decide which one to do? I am not even sure I want this above our bed, but I can’t think of anything else, and I have seen other people do it, and it looks cool! What do you guys think? What do you have above your bed?

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  1. Lindsay says:

    1 or 3! so cute!

  2. Alicia xoxxo says:

    #1! Very sweet and precious!

  3. TeresaG says:

    I say 3 or 4…I have a wedding picture above my bed! PS Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Lori says:

    They are all great but I LOOOOVE #3!!!

  5. For the bedroom, I say #3 because it's kinda intimate. But they are all just beautiful and you can't go wrong with any of them!

  6. -- says:

    I like number 1. It's simple and classic. It would also work on just about any background paint color so it could be easily moved.

  7. Unknown says:

    my vote is for #1! Tooooo sweet! Happy late Birthday! 🙂

  8. Happy Belated Birthday! And, I vote for #3 🙂


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