It has been almost 8 weeks since my surgery and I am feeling great! I thought I would answer a few questions that I’ve received and give you guys a picture update.
Your support and comments have been so amazing throughout this process, and have made me feel it’s okay to share with you guys the “real me”. Thank you so much for that.
Why I had the surgery.
When I was pregnant with Carson I was considered a rare case. They still to this day do not have an exact diagnosis for what happened to me while I was pregnant. I went into labor with him at 35 weeks. I had not dilated at all so they decided to put me on terbutaline (a medicine to stop contractions). After that I started to rapidly gain fluid. I am talking 5 to 6lbs a week. At 36 weeks my doctors decided to preform an Amniocentesis on me to see if Carson’s lungs were developed and to try and figure out my fluid gain, and hopefully to preform a c-section. His lungs, unfortunately, were not developed enough so I was put on bed rest and a higher dose of terbutaline. During those last three weeks I gained 20 extra pounds of fluid! I have kinda blocked that time out in my head, because it was a scary and painful time. All of this to say, my skin ended up badly stretched and covered in marks. I was measuring at 43 weeks when they delivered him at 39 weeks if that tells you anything. My doctors said when they cut me open it was like a swimming pool of fluid gushed out. But, my sweet Carson was 100% healthy and came out with a great set of lungs and that is ALL that mattered.
After this pregnancy I was left with loose skin and stretch marks. I felt insure when in my swimsuit, and after having Taylor and deciding we were done having babies, I decided this was something I wanted fixed.
Here’s a picture of me at 38 weeks with Carson, and our dog Rocky.
Would I have the surgery again?
Yes, I would 100% have the surgery again. The reason that I had this surgery was to remove loose skin on my stomach that couldn’t be removed with any amount of exercise or diet. I also had a pocket of scar tissue above my c-section scar that I wanted removed. If you’ve had a c-section you probably know what I am talking about. That pocket of tissue and most of my loose skin are gone now. I still have some above my belly button, but I knew that could not be removed with a mini tummy tuck. I was hopeful that my stretch marks would mostly be gone, but unfortunately they are still there. They do look a little less visible though and the doctor has plans to put me on Retin A over the winter to help with these. He also plans to cut the loose skin above my belly button in a few months (it’s that weird ball looking thing above). All in all I am happy that I had this surgery. It is still swollen and by the end of the day very noticeable. But it’s a 6 month to a year healing process, so I know it’s not done working its magic yet 😉
Have I changed my diet and exercise since the surgery?
Nope, not at all. But I had no intentions in doing that:) I know a lot of you follow me on Instagram and get to see some of the not so healthy stuff I eat. I have always believed in balance. I love burgers and cheese fries and I honestly don’t think I could live without them. My friends joke that I have the appetite of a man ha! I usually try to eat healthy for two days then for the next two days I eat what I want. Then, the next day back to healthy eating, so on and so on. I feel like it shocks my body and I am able to maintain my weight by doing this. It’s just what I have found that works for me. My exercise is also the same. I weight train hard twice a week, cardio hard once a week(usually sprints), and the other two days bare class or incline walking on the treadmill.
Wow, that was a lot. If you are still reading, thanks for your patience, time, and interest in my journey. You guys are so awesome!!
Some of you have mentioned that you can’t see this is my swimsuit, and from a distance it’s really not that noticeable. But, Todd is standing about 6 inches away from me with a 50 mm lens. So y’all are seeing the up close and personal real deal 🙂
Now you will notice I look a bit slimmer in my after. Some has to do with the loose skin, and to be honest the other has to do with my diet. I did make an effort at the beginning of summer to add in a few more clean eating days 🙂
8 weeks After:
I had planned to make this post all tummy tuck, but realized late last night that Nordstroms did some crazy good markdowns. And I know with these brands they won’t last long, so I wanted to share!!! They finally marked down this Parker dress that I have been drooling over for months!!!
A few more markdowns worthy of mentioning!

You look great! I know exactly what you are talking about with the c-section pooch. I also had quite a bit of abdominal separation so needless to say, I am very much looking forward to having some corrections done. Thank you for sharing all of this!
You look amazing. I can really tell a difference. Don't stand beside me in your bathing suit:)
You can definitely see the difference now, so glad to hear you are healing well. You look fantastic!
glad YOU feel lok amazing and I am so glad that your insecurities have dis appated
I am so happy you did this for yourself and aren't afraid to show it! xo
I love the BabyWise book in there, I'm a huge BabyWiser!
You look great!! Such a great improvement in only 8 weeks. What a scary thing to happen when you're pregnant- I can't even imagine my stomach being stretched to measure 43 weeks!! I was always measuring small.
You look great Caycee! I can see a difference and I'm sure you can too, which is what really matters!
So happy for you Caycee! After having met you in person, I can say you are truly beautiful inside and out!
You look amazing! You can totally see a difference already. I love a burger and fries once in a while, too, and that's one of the reasons I run!!
You look amazing and I'm so happy for you that you've been thrilled with the results!
You look awesome!! So happy that you're pleased with your results.
You are beautiful and what's left is a badge of honor 🙂 No body is perfect but you can be happy knowing you look pretty dang good…xo
You look great girl!!! So happy for you that you are getting all the support you need through this journey! Enjoy your summer!!!!
Glad you are doing and felling good. 5 years ago I had a Mommy makeover: Boob lift, implants, and a tummy tuck. With 3 C-sections I couldn't look at my stomach and feel secure and now I love love love it and would do it 100xs again.
Wow! Good for you! Can you share a typical clean eating day of meals? What do you eat on a clean eating day for snacks, breakfast, lunch?
You look fabulous! I'm sure it feels great to see such wonderful results just 8 weeks later. Thank you for sharing your story with us 🙂
Hey Caycee, finally started commenting on your blog posts, took me a while but that's typical me. lol. Just wanted to say that you look awesome and i know exactly how you feel. I went from being a personal trainer that had 6 pack abs and a killer body that my clients would die for to looking like a cow…I put on 38kgs with my first pregnancy and that severely damaged my body. I went through post natal depression after seeing my body for the first time naked after having the c-section. My tummy had so much loose skin and my boobs looked like a cows tits sagging down. I know what your thinking yeh sure, but I went from having DD cup boobs that just sat perky to having DD saggy boobs. Anyways after having 3 beautiful girls my husband decided that he didn't want anymore kids and so I had a full tummy tuck. But I have to say that mine was a lot worse than yours and that I'm still recovering. You look like you haven't even had surgery and look awesome. So keep doing what your doing and know that there are so many other women out there just like you who feel the same as you. Love your blog and your honesty. Much love xoxo.. oh and if your thinking who is this crazy person, its me @FITNESSNLIFESTYLE
You look superb. Tummy tuck surgery is very popular. It helps us get rid of additional fat on our belly and abdominal area. A few months ago, I had done this surgery in CEVRE HEALTH CENTER. This treatment through I reduced my excess fat. They provided me very cost-effective service. Keep posting like this.
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