Happy First Christmas sweet baby boy! You have been such a fun baby, your daddy I could not imagine life without you! You were so funny this morning looking at all your toys, you squealed with excitement when you saw what Santa had brought you! (it was priceless) If I can figure out how to upload a video I will! PS how funny is this face he is making??
All the toys Santa brought!

You and daddy playing around 🙂
You were so excited, and ready to play!!!
Our other child Rocky: ( he is a little camera shy)
Our Hallmark ornaments in our Stocking!
I’m not sure if I have told you this or not, but Todd and I don’t exchange gifts on Christmas, we just do ornaments in each others stockings. We stared this 5 years ago on our first Christmas together and have done it ever since! I love it, we have so may other gifts to get for other people so it takes the strain off of trying to get each other stuff, besides if there is something I want during the year Todd almost always lets me get it 🙂 It is so fun wondering which ornament he will get me??? we are suppose to find one that reminds us of each other, but let me tell you I have received one or two that I hope do not remind Todd of me (The Grinch 2 years ago) What!!!!!!!!! can you believe that!!! I think the man waited till the last minute on that one 🙂 I don’t think I will ever let him live that one down ha ha! I was very pleased with mine this year it is kinda of inside thing, our first Christmas together I got him a moose a “Mooster Fix It” So this year he found the Mrs Moose! I though it was too cute! I love you babe 🙂
Caycee he is so precious!! Merry Christmas friends:) I love your ornament idea we may be starting that too!! Loved your Christmas card!