Highlights and Date Night

Jul 8, 2009




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Here I write about my passion for life, fashion, travel, interior design, health, and motherhood.

Caycee Hewitt


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Today I got to go get my hair did haha!It was so nice! I love my hairdresser she is the best:)Its so nice just to get those couple of hours to chat and get some highlights. Not in anyway would I ever trade getting to be a stay-at-home mommie, but its nice to get away for a few hours by myself. Thanks Daddy for watching little man while I was gone. Tonight its mine and Todds Wed. night to go on a date. My friend Mariah and I trade off everyother Wed. night and keep each others children so we can go on a date with our husbands! It is the BEST thing ever! I love her to death, and I have never once worried about Carson while he is with her. She has the sweetiest children ever, even though we dont see much of each others children.(they are usually in bed) so we actually get some alone time babysitting haha!

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