These two…words cannot describe the love I have for them. They are growing up way too fast for my liking and every time we have pictures taken of the two of them, it really hits me how much they’ve grown and how time is truly flying by.
It also makes me realize how very proud I am of the little people they are becoming.
They are so different in many ways, but also so similar in certain ways.
Taylor is our fearless one and also very outgoing.
Carson is our cautious and shy one.
Together, they are both total goofballs.
Like most big brothers, he loves to annoy her.
And she’s always ready to get some payback 🙂
But at the end of the day, there is NOTHING that could break the bond these two have.
And nothing in the world makes me happier than being able to call these two mine.
Now that I’ve shared all the funny/mushy stuff, let’s chat a little about their fashion sense. And yes, both Carson and Taylor have a very strong opinion about what they wear. When they were little, I must admit, it was much easier to dress them. Thankfully, Nordstrom has it all when it comes to kids fashion and that’s where I usually have the best luck in pleasing everyone. When I finally sat down last week to order them a few things for fall, I had them both beside me giving me the yes or no. It makes my mornings run much more smoothly when we don’t have to fight about what they will wear, plus, I think it’s nice to let them choose their own clothing…thank goodness I usually like the clothing they choose!
You can check out more of Carson and Taylor’s fall fashion favorites below.

Photos by Kim Graham
*Thank you Nordstrom for partnering on this post.
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