Let’s call it fate shall we? I was in Belk yesterday still searching for the perfect party dress. I tried on this one and really loved it, but left in hopes that I would find it on sale.
Well low and behold y’all it’s Saks Friends and Family!!!
That’s right 25%off with the code FRNFAM2
But after searching the sale I am thinking I may like this one better!
So I may have got a little carried away and added an entire wardrobe to my cart. Hehe
A beach day, and sahm day, and a date night.
Both dress are adorable!
So cute!
=) Brooke
Love all of it! Dress #2 is my favorite though!
oh yes, love both but that stripey dress is my fave!
Can't wait to see the dress on you. I am sure it will look great!!!
Love those dresses, you are rocking the first one! Can't wait to see which one you choose.
Love, love LOVE the pink and white stripe dress and I also love your blog! I just found you last week and am enjoying following you!
LOVE the pink and white stripe dress!!!