Good afternoon and happy, happy Saturday! The weather is gorgeous here today, so Todd and I are planning to clean off and stain the deck, and then if we have time we’re going to plant a few flowers. Todd usually does the cleaning while I handle the staining. I’m not sure why, but I love to do the staining / painting of anything outdoors 🙂
But anyway, as promised, here are my Amazon purchases from March so far. I feel like I buy SO much stuff from Amazon these days, but they literally have everything (and usually the best prices). Not to mention the convenience of Amazon Prime’s free one day shipping.
I LOVE these bows for Taylor’s hair. They have the good, sturdy alligator clips, plus, the quality of the ribbon is awesome. And you just can’t beat 15 hair bows for $11!
I just ordered these tees and I’m obsessed! Later today, I’ll share what they look like with you guys!
We just used these pulls on our updated cabinet and drawer fronts, and they are gorgeous. Plus, the price was unbeatable for good quality hardware.
This picture does not do this dress any justice at all…it is soooo pretty in person! This is another dress that I will show you guys later today.
If you have never used oils, this is the set I swear by and you really need to try it. And these days, Todd loves them as much as I do. Knock on wood (and I am not saying this is the reason), but neither Carson nor Taylor have gotten sick once this entire winter. Every single night we mix health shield, breathe, and good sleep into their diffusers…and we swear by these three for a good night’s sleep and no cold symptoms.
I just ordered this stuff about two weeks ago and I’ve only used it twice, but I am loving it so far. My hair feels so soft and silky after I blow dry it.
These are like mini Yeti cups for kids! They keep drinks super cold, and I just love the no-slip rubber grips and lids. To top things off, they’re dishwasher safe…which is a big plus in our house. 

Taylor has grown out of all of her pajamas over the last few months, so I did a lot of digging on Amazon and found the two adorable pairs below. Both are super super soft and the prints are adorable.
Taylor’s sweet Easter dress…it’s even more gorgeous in person! The quality is amazing and so is the price tag.
The kids and I are planning to make some sugar cookies with these today. And I also ordered this royal icing, these bottles for the icing, and these pastel food colors.
How adorable are these bunny pajamas! And again, these are super soft as well.
Carson is obsessed with this gaming headset. I did some research and these had awesome reviews, plus, the price was about half of what it was at Target and Walmart.
I had so many questions on Instastories about these rollerblades for Taylor. She loves them, and has actually gotten pretty good with them. These are the ones I ordered for myself and they are really good as well. I used to roller blade and ice skate a good bit in my younger years, so thank goodness my old body still remembers how to do it…ha!
I’ve been using this stuff in Carson’s and Taylor’s hair since they were both babies, and to this day, they both still use it every morning. It’s the best de-tangler, and makes their hair smell so good.
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